Drag Illustrated 2024 Media Kit | Page 6


To submit ads , please contact Caroline Fox at 660.988.2313 or caroline @ dragillustrated . com


Print Specifications
Printing : Printed web offset , heatset , PMS inking available , flood velvet matte UV coated covers and gloss text stock Binding : Perfect Bound
1 / 2 PAGE
1 / 4 PAGE
Size Width x Height ( inches )
Trim size : 9.0 " x 10.875 " Bleed : Add 1 / 8 " to all sides ( spread and full page ads only ) Live area : Keep all text and critical imagery at least 1 / 4 " from trim edge ( necessary on spread and full page ads only )
File Delivery Info
Please contact Caroline Fox or your sales representative for access to our advertiser upload and storage site .
1 / 2 PAGE
Single Page
2 Page Spread
1 / 2 Page Horizontal
1 / 2 Page Vertical
1 / 4 Page Horizontal
1 / 4 PAGE
Width x Height ( Trim Size )
9 " x 10.875 "
18 " x 10.875 "
8.25 " x 5 "
4 " x 10.1875 "
8 " x 2.25 "
Materials are due 8 business days prior to issue date . Insertion orders must accompany material .
1 / 4 Page Vertical 4 " x 5 "
Production Contact Mike Carpenter , COO & Production Director , 704.737.2299 , mike @ dragillustrated . com